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The Pest & Property Blog
Rodent Entry Assessments Versus Exclusions
Clean-Outs and Sterilization Services Explained
The Importance of Regular Pest Control Inspections
End of Year Message
Five Signs of Rats In Your House
Potential Damage Caused by Squirrels
How to Protect Your Home Against Fall Pests
Summer Pest Control Tips
Tick Prevention 101
Why Are Lady Bugs Bad In The House?
What Do Mosquitos Hate The Most?
What is Exclusion?
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Ants have long been a problem for home owners and property owners alike. They certainly can cause stress, bites with side effects and food damage. Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions’s staff has been trained to eliminate ants and is the premier ant exterminator servicing the RI and MA areas.
At Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions we specialize in bat removal in RI. We have trained specialists ready to help with any situation. Bats can find their way into most buildings and will typically reside in an attic or chimney.
Bed Bugs
Bed Bugs
As we travel more, fly in planes and staying in hotels, bed bugs have become a major problem. They can hide in suitcases and be transported around from one area to another. It may be hard to identify a bed bug infestation and is often mistaken for something completely different.
Bees & Wasps
Bees & Wasps
Bees can cause any number of issues for homeowners and commercial building owners. Bee stings are an unfortunate side effect of warm weather and flowering plants. For most, bee stings are only annoying, but for others, bee stings may be potentially fatal.
Believe it or not, birds can cause a large amount of damage to a home or building. Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions offers bird control solutions to customers in RI. Birds can cause damage just through their droppings because it can be corrosive to walkways, walls, vehicles, and many other items.
Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ants
The first sign of a Carpenter Ant problem is usually the sighting of numerous big black ants or worker ants. Signs of an active infestation include seeing “sawdust” beneath openings in the wood and a faint, rustling noise in your walls and woodwork.
Cockroaches have a long history of being pests in homes, restaurants and commercial buildings. If you see 1 roach then you probably have an infestation problem. Infestations of cockroaches often occur where people eat and drink.
Here at Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions we provide flea control and extermination to the RI and MA areas. Fleas are very small and difficult to detect but if you have been bitten by one you will notice it.
There are over 150 species of mosquitoes in the United States and can carry a large number of different and dangerous diseases within our area. Just within the past few years the number of cases of mosquito borne illnesses has been on the rise.
Raccoons like to and can live in attics and chimneys of any home. The technicians at Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions we are experts when it comes to raccoon removal in RI. Raccoons can be very dangerous because they can carry a large number of diseases such as rabies.
Rodents like Mice and Rats not only can be dangerous but they are a terrible nuisance as well. Rodents can carry any number of different pests into your home such as fleas, mites, ticks and lice; all of these causing their own individual problems.
Skunks are famous for the powerful smell that they leave behind but they are also very dangerous. The Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions technicians have been trained to perform skunk removal and will perform it in the Rhode Island area.
A spider infestation can cause a number of problems in and around your home and property. Depending on the type of spider it could be a danger to you and or your family. As we travel more and more, spiders can be found well outside of their “usual territories” due to intentional or accidental transportation in cars, luggage, and other belongings.
Squirrels can cause a number of problems for property owners. Typically squirrels will live in trees but when they move indoors, that’s when issues can arise. We will complete an inspection of your home or office.
At Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions we know how devastating termites can be to a structure and how costly the damages can be. The damage that termites can cause can be detrimental to homeowners and not taking action at the first sign of an infestation could result in serious damage to your home.
It is known that ticks carry dangerous diseases such as Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever. Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions offers tick control to the RI and MA area. By not having your property treated, the number of ticks may continue to increase posing a greater danger to contracting one of these diseases.
Why You Need
estimated urban rat attacks per year (source: CDC)
eggs laid per day by each female bed bug (source: CDC)
average cost to repair termite damage to US homeowners (source:
SAVE $$ on new and ongoing services!
first service for ticks or mosquitos if signing up for our seasonal plan.
any initial service
any exclusion service
Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions

Lincoln Pest & Property Solutions
225 Putnam Pike
Johnston, RI 02919
Rodent Entry Assessments Versus Exclusions
/in Blog, Pest Control, Rodent ControlRodents are more than just a nuisance; they pose serious health risks and can cause costly damage to homes and businesses. Preventing an infestation starts with identifying how these pests are getting inside and taking the right steps to keep them out. This is where rodent entry assessments and exclusion services come into play. At […]